How did your involvement with “Doctors without Borders” start?
I’ve always admired “Doctors without Borders” as an organization and its employees! As an organization, it was often the first and in some cases the only one that responded to humanitarian emergencies around the world. It needs a special kind of person that has the courage it requires to leave their own country and comfortable home, to help wherever help is most needed in situations that are not only dangerous but also heartbreaking and in many ways very difficult. Not everyone can imagine to go into such a situation, but the need for help is huge and we can all help by doing what we can, in whatever way this may be.
What exactly will be your task within the project?
In my case, and at this point I would say that I can help financially in the first place, because I am in a fortunate position in this regard. I can easily do without a day’s salary and encourage other people to do the same and donate to www.aerzte-ohne-grenzen.de. In addition, I hope to create awareness that so many people in the world are in dire need of help. Therefore, we should talk about this, pay attention, and advocate for the needy, as part of the social responsibility we bear.
Are you afraid people don’t take efforts by famous people like you not seriously in this context?
Yes, I am already a bit nervous about it because people may not take it seriously, but you should not worry about it. That’s the nature of the whole thing. Anything you can do as individuals to try your best. Start a project and try to improve it, in whatever way is possible for you. Hopefully my actions will inspire other people and the change is greater than anyone could have accomplished alone, if more people jump on the train.
Is this a project that you could imagine to pursue in the future? And if so, how?
Yes, I would hope very much that this commitment will continue to be pursued within the fashion industry, just as I continue to think about these issues and how I can improve them as an individual and as a member of society. The future will show what that might mean exactly. That’s one thing that is close to my heart and which I’ll definitely hold on!
(via http://50mmf12l.tumblr.com/post/10883207367/freja-vogue-interview )
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